Thursday, August 31, 2006

"New Blogger" And Temporary Locations

Posting Location: My Boyfriend's Place, Columbus, OH.

Check out item #3 on their list of new features:

Give your posts a category label so that you and your readers can easily sort by topic.

The concept seems familiar for some reason... *glances at sidebar*

Also, as can be seen at the top, I am now officially out of University Village, and spending anywhere from three days to a week at my boyfriend's house. More posts may follow on that topic, but honestly, I'm still amazed my computer isn't blowing up with what I had to do to get it set up here.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More An Excuse To Show I'm Still Alive

Posting Location: University Village.

Incidentally, this will be the last post I'll be making from University Village Apartments. Summer Commencement was this past Sunday, and I'm moving out / getting kicked out of the apartment I currently inhabit today. Hopefully I'll have time to make a more substantial post later today.

So, about that Penny Arcade game, huh?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Graduating From Life

Posting Location: University Village.

With Summer Commencement less than two weeks away at this point, I've discovered a disturbing trend in my plans for the future, as well as those for these last two weeks. Essentially, my thoughts have been treating my graduation and my death as the same thing. I was initially unsure as to why this was. After all, I'm not suicidal, and I recognize that life continues after college. Yet these thoughts persisted. However, I think I have now stumbled on the reasons behind this thinking.

Firstly, college graduation is more or less the last major hierarchical landmark in my life. Up to this point, my future has always been defined by time until the next highest stage in my education. In elementary school, my next landmark was junior high; in junior high, high school; in high school, college; and in college, college graduation. The thing is, once I graduate, there is no higher stage I automatically look forward too. Sure, there's graduate school (an option everyone around me doesn't seem to want to shut up about), but I have no idea when I'd be able to afford that, what I'd be doing once I've gone there, or even if I want to go at all. Everything past college graduation is unfixed in time; there is no set, automatic time before such-and-such event in my life happens anymore. The only concrete landmarks left to me in this case become the landmark years of my own age.

This is the point where the number "30" rears it's head.

Sure, it's still six years in the future. I can barely remember six years ago. This is not the point. It essentially marks the first time I've been looking ahead to my own greater age, and in the process at my own mortality. This is, of course, if one discounts me looking ahead towards the ages of "18" and "21", but even those don't really count; they were, let's be honest, actually me looking ahead to "legal pornography" and "legal drinking." Also, I think there was something about voting in there too. Regardless, 30 marks the first time I've been looking ahead to my age without any incentives to "sweeten the deal," and it's starting to affect me.

Of course, the second part of this has to do with the fact that I'm heavily influenced by Internet culture and modern geek culture in general, where at the age of 30 one may as well be dead.

Now that I've identified what is going on, I've been able to start diverting my thinking to somewhat less morbid paths. Still, it is traditional to wear all black to commencement, and there is a procession to the ceremony...

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

That Was The Wildest Adventure Through Time EVER!

Who would've thought that Valentines Day 2006 was when the Temporal Nexus intersected with Columbus, Ohio? I mean, one minute I'm on a date with my boyfriend, the next I'm flung to the year 1376 where Time Pirates were having a secret war with the Illuminati. I got drafted into that pretty quickly, let me tell you! Man, it was just one thing after another after that. I had to prevent robot monkeys from the year 4000 from preventing the assassination of Lincoln, because that's how it happened in their timeline. I met catgirls in 20,000 BCE, when catgirls ruled the Earth. I even saw the fracking moon explode just like it did during the American Bicentennial, although I think we accidentally prevented that from happening, so the moon might still be there now. Anyways, I finally was able to catch a ride with a bunch of time-travelling ninjas from the Third Ice Age on their way back to hunt dinosaurs, and now here I am. I tell you, that was the wildest two weeks of my life! And the best part is, as you can see, the ninjas were able to drop me off only a few hours after I left on...Valenti...

...hold on, does that date say August 9th, 2006?

Those damn ninjas!