Sunday, October 02, 2005

Busy Weekend

If You See One...

So now we have roaches. Fan-FRICKIN-Tastic.

Not just roaches, either. Oh no. Not five minutes after seeing one crawl across our rug we find a centipede hiding in a corner of the wall. Centipedes prey on pest species rather than eat food scraps, so, you know, it was actually doing some good there, but that's a small comfort when you've just found out your apartment is supporting an entire uninvited ecosystem.

We've vaccuumed the carpet and put all the food on high shelves in a vain attempt to banish the cockroach spirits from our abode. Honestly, I don't think we could afford an exterminator at the moment, and even if we could our options of places we could stay in the meantime are limited. For now, it's a problem we'll try to fix ineffectually by tossing a few roach traps around and hoping for the best. Here's keeping our fingers crossed.

Easton Mall

So I went to Easton Town Center for the first time yesterday. I have to say, that was the first time I'd ever been to an outdoor mall. It was also the first time I'd encountered what I insist on reffering to as a smaller mall inside the mall movie theater. The whole place was impressive overall.

I've noticed a trend towards these "mega-malls" in recent years. They built like three of them within short driving distance of each other out where my boyfriend lives. They've even got a sort of mini-mega-mall over on High Street now, just off South Campus. The one with all the blue lighting set into the sidewalk for no apparent reason other than to look nice.

I'll admit, though, some of it seems just a tad bit...excessive. I worked the merchandise department at Geauga Lake & Wildwater Kingdom over the summer, and we didn't have anything half as nice as what I saw at Easton. In the entire park. Do we really need malls nicer than our amusement parks now? Actually, the malls almost are amusement parks; I saw that GameWorks center in the movie theater. Heck, I grabbed an actual souveneir map of the mall on the way out; maybe the parallels are intentional on some level.


On Thursday I went to the midnight showing of Serenity. For anyone that doesn't know, that's the film based on the sci-fi series Firefly, the one done by the guy who did Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's had a very strong cult following despite the fact that it was cancelled not halfway through the first season for reasons relating to "ratings."

I won't give away anything about the film. Doing so in even the smallest way would only serve to detract from the experience of going to see the film. I will, however, say that based on this film, I would be willing to bear Joss Whedon's child.

Nevermind the fact that that's a biological impossibility. The film was that good.

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Blogger bagelbuoy said...

You would think spammers would at least mention something about how interesting your blog is before asking you to go somewhere else. So rude!

I have to admit that I haven't been to Easton in years. While it was nice, I wasn't that impressed by it. Malls and I tend to not get along; and the bigger and grander they seem, the less I like them.

Good to hear that "Serenity" is an excellent show. I should've gone to see it over the weekend, but I was too busy bar hopping and dancing up and down the short north. Probably should've gone, then I wouldn't ahve spent all day Sunday recovering...

11:04 PM  
Blogger Lewis said...

Your story about roaches brought back bad memories of living in grad housing at Penn State University in the late 70s and early 80s. We hesitated to call about the roaches because the University's standard response was to spray and fumigate the entire building, which required all of the families in the building to clear out all of our cupboard and closets--there is really no point in treating a single apartment in a building. We had a toddler at the time, and we weren't sure whether to be more worried about the roaches or the fumigation :-(.

10:06 AM  

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