Sunday, October 02, 2005

This One's About Food Again

Went to Marc's again yesterday. I drove with my roommate and her visiting sister, which proved somewhat interesting. Situation: Three people, each with their own means of payment, and each with their own consumer prefferences. Two are also purchasing for a shared living space, neither of which really wants to buy "for everybody." Result: Peculiarities such as there being a grand final total of three full boxes of Frankenberry cereal and the three of us only deciding who's paying for the sweet potatoes when it came time to check out. I think we each uttered the phrase "wait, who's (product) is this, is it mine or..." at least once.

Speaking of which, it amazes me that they brought back the Frankenberry and Boo Berry cereals to go with Count Chocula (I'm easily amused). I'm wondering what thought processes had them suspend their production of the cereals in the first place, and even more so what made them bring them back again after more than a decade has passed.

So after shopping at Marc's we were driving back to the apartment, and made the mistake of stopping at the Seafood Japan grocery store. I call it a mistake only because I hadn't planned on spending any more money that day. The place is located in something like a little nexus of Asian commercial buildings, right across the sidewalk from Restaurant Japan, right next to the New Japan gift shop thing, and across the parking lot from a more generic Asian Grocery. I ended up spending something like twenty dollars in there, the majority of that on Japanese candy. In retrospect, perhaps not a wise decision, but I was caught off guard by the presence of several candies I had previously assumed one in the United States could only purchase through online sources.

Enough ranting about my poor sense of fiscal responsibility, though. Let's talk about my imminent adventures with drinking.

I am now in possession of numerous beverages of varying type and quality that I will have to drink my way through in the coming week or so. Some of these I have tried before, some are wholly new to me. Combined, they sketch a portrait of my tastes, and it is the portrait of a madman.

First, there still remain several two-liter bottles of Diet Coke that my parents left me with after move-in. These have remained unopened due largely to the fact that (A) I preffer non-diet pop, (B) I preffer to drink things straight from the bottle/can, and (C) half of them are Diet Coke with Lime, which is like a double-turnoff. As we are running out of room in the refridgerator, these will have to be consumed soon.

Then there's the "ghetto juice," as me and my friends call it. Dairymens makes a decent variety of juices in gallon and half-gallon plastic jugs. Their pricing is comparable to that of one-liter bottles of pop, which encourages us to treat them as such --- i.e., each buy a jug and drink straight from it. It's a great deal if you don't hate juice, as it'll usually last you through the day. The only downsides are that, well, it usually takes you a day to get through it, and when you're not drinking it it eats up space in the refridgerator. Thus, the jug of blue raspberry currently in there is second on my Have To Drink list.

There was also an impulse buy of a gallon of apple cider yesterday, but that's not as interesting as the alcohol I'm about to mention.

Yeah, I bought a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade yesterday (hey, I'm 21). I've never done much alcohol drinking (aside from Church communion), and I'm trying to develop a taste for it (at least, a taste other than one I identify as "Church"). I've heard that it's intoxicating effects are subtle, yet effective, and curious to see what that's like. I'm usually wary about alcohol, since if I ever get to the point where I drink it the same way I drink carbonated beverages I'll be a chronic alcoholic in no time. I'm already addicted to caffeine, and that's good enough.

At the other end of the spectrum is the can of Red Bull I also bought yesterday. I've been wary of energy drinks for similar reasons, although in this case it's an imagined case of them accellerating my heart rate to "hummingbird" that keeps me away from them. This is more a case of conquering a phobia than anything else, I guess.

In between are the two bottles of ramune (Japanese soda) currently in there, along with the Jolly Rancher soda I got today from Big Lots. I've had ramune before, so that's nothing big, but I'm always wary of discount food items, especially ones without expiration dates, and especially ones I've never heard of before. If I don't make another post for about a week, then it might be because I drank year-old discount soda.

Or my heart exploded from one can of Red Bull. Whichever.


Blogger Lewis said...

Enjoyed the list of beverages--primarily because it is so different from mine, even though some of the types overlap: apple juice, milk (only for making macchiato), coffee (for getting my brain into "hummingbird" mode :-), and Columbus Nut Brown Ale (I am way past 21).

10:26 AM  

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