Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Samhain!

Even considering the fact that I had a Halloween get-together on Saturday, it just seems like Halloween sneaked up on me this year. For some reason this year I don't feel like I've "captured the magic" of the holiday, so to speak. I feel weird making a Halloween post at 10:00 PM the night of, almost as if it's too late to be talking about it. But then that's silly; it's still Halloween for another two hours, and Halloween night lasts until 6:00 AM. There's still plenty of time to get my Halloween on.

There's even more time when you consider the sheer volume of Halloween-ish holidays centered around Halloween proper, to say nothing of the fact that the holiday it all sprang up around --- Samhain --- technically lasts from sunset today to sunset November 2nd. Actually, the number of holidays in general is something that kind of suprises me. From what I could find:

Samhain (Druidism/Paganism): Oct 31 - Nov 2
Halloween (Modern Secular): Oct 31
Chanté Messes (Vodoo): Oct 31
All Saints Day (Christianity): Nov 1
El Dia Del Muerte, Children (Mexico): Nov 1
Diwali/Festival of Lights (Hinduism): Nov 1
All Souls Day (Christianity): Nov 2
El Dia Del Muerte, Adults (Mexico): Nov 2
Bunka no Hi / Culture Day (Japan): Nov 3
Bandi Chhor Divas (Sikhism): Nov 4
Guy Fawkes Day (United Kingdom): Nov 5
Confucious' Birthday (Confucionism): Nov 6

So, as you can see, I have plenty of time left to celebrate....something.

As for the get-together Saturday, I think it went alright enough. It was mainly me and my friends getting together and role-playing for the night (Ravenloft seemed appropriate for the night, although I used the sequel to make sure none of the players were familiar with it ahead of time). People showed up in costume, although most seemed to agree mine was the best (I dressed up as a character of mine in another RPG we play, a sort of alcoholic Old West-style preacher). We had candy available as, again, it seemed only appropriate.

Anyways, I'm going to see if I can't make this Halloween night more Halloweeny. Happy Halloween everyone!

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Blogger Lewis said...

Thanks for the list of holidays! Something about the time of the first hard frost in the mid-latitudes that calls for a holiday before the weather makes us all hunker down in our homes, awaiting spring (in the days before we learned to exploit fossil fuels on a massive scale, at any rate).

11:02 PM  

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