Sunday, December 11, 2005

My Extremely Busy Week*

Posting Location: Family Home, Parma, OH (Family Laptop).

*May be a lie.

Between the excitement of last weekend and the excitement of this one I was forunate enough to enjoy a week's worth of something I rarely enjoy: time away from both family and academic concerns. In past years I was subject to dorm policy at the end of every quarter, where (officially) we had to be on the way home within 24 hours of our last final. But now that I'm in an apartment, I'm no longer under those rules. I figured I'd give myself a little mini-vacation before my actual vacation, and wait a week. I initially planned on going home on Friday, but then I realized that everyone would be going home Friday. So, Saturday became the new target, as a way to "beat the traffic." So what if I ended up heading home on Sunday; the point is I'm clever. Really.

So what did I end up doing over that week? As planned, a whole lot of nothing. Most of the week was spent planted in front of the computer net-surfing. Wednesday night I went to Applebee's with my flatmates; my parents had sent us a $40 gift card to celebrate the end of the quarter. We were seated just in time to take advantage of the half-priced appetizers --- which ended up taking the place of our entrees.

All in all, a good week. Hopefully the rest of the break will go well.


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