Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Campus After Midnight, Addendum: MoMo's KTV & Tea Station, Part Deux

Posting Location: University Village.

So on Saturday I had the opportunity to visit MoMo's a second time. The pen-&-paper RPG game I'd been running that night wrapped up early, so we decided to cap the night off with some karaoke. I should mention this was at about an hour after midnight, by the way --- appropriate, no? They only had one small room operational at the time, however, and that was occupied, so the three of us had to spring for a medium-sized room --- $30 for an hour of karaoke.

I think it was worth it, though. The room was very nice, as they had couches in them. My one friend thought the lighting could've been better, but I found it to be adequate. The song selection screens were a little odd, but pretty easy to navigate once you played around a bit. The actual selections were...eccentric, to say the least. They had some really good songs, to be sure, but some of their inclusions and omissions were a bit puzzling. No Margaritaville, but four versions of Don't Cry For Me Argentina? Wierd, but not so wierd that it's a bad thing. A lot of the versions they had were actually covers of the original songs, but that wasn't so bad, either. The oddest thing, though, and consequently the funniest, were the background scenes they showed on the TV with the lyrics. These, frequently, had absolutely nothing to do with the song in question --- scenes of Japan during Don't Cry For Me Argentina, scenes of 80's vampires during Total Eclipse of the Heart, etc. As I said, this was just funny, and if anything added to the experience for me.

And what did I sing, you ask? Well, along with the aforementioned Don't Cry For Me Argentina, I also did Strawberry Fields Forever, White Wedding, and Sound of Silence (which I "aced" according to my friends). All in all, an enjoyable experience. I'd maybe go a little earlier than I did if you have a small group to make sure you get the right-sized room for you, but larger groups should have no problems.

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