Sunday, June 01, 2008

Oh Goody

Posting Location: My Home, Parma, OH.

For the past week or so, we've had a gray cat coming around our house about once a day or so. It's mainly kept itself occupied with encouraging our three cats and our dog to freak the fuck out whenever they see it (which puts it mostly in front of our screened-in front porch), but occasionally we've seen it in the backyard.

For the past week or so, we've also had a few raccoons hanging out around our garage late at night. They've mainly kept themselves occupied with sneaking into the garage itself through the hole in the shingling to eat the garbage we put in there to keep wild animals from eating it. Occasionally, they've been encouraging the dog to freak the fuck out whenever we let her out late enough at night.

Neither of these has seemed particularly blog-worthy ... until tonight. It now seems that both the gray cat and the raccoons have simultaneously decided to take up the additional hobby of freaking the fuck out of each other. Looking out an upstairs window at the sound of Raccoon Noises, I was just able to catch the cat slinking away from the garage and a large shape slinking away from the garage roof.

And if you already think this turn of events must be leaving me feeling just smashing, I haven't even mentioned the fact that some new people moved in next door the other day ... with their dog. So, to put everything into perspective, we now have in the vicinity of my house at any given time

(1) Three cats that hate everything as much as cats normally do, and don't hesitate to get aggressive when something threatens their territory (including our dog),

(2) A dog that spazzes out whenever anyone new even comes near the house, and Lords help us if it's another animal,

(3) A fourth cat that may or may not be a stray, but definitely seems to get enjoyment out of antagonizing restrained animals,

(4) One or more raccoons that may or may not be nesting, putting their personalities somewhere between the raccoon-normal "poking-the-bear" and the parental state of "I-will-claw-your-eyes-out-and-eat-them",


(5) A second dog which, while harboring as-yet-unknown motives, is still another dog.

It's only the first of June, and already this is shaping up to be a fun summer.

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