Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Pitch OR Shoot, I Haven't Posted To My Blog All Lunar Year!

Posting Location: University Village.

So, yes, the aforementioned excuses. The reason updates have been slow to non-existent lately is largely due to the one fault of mine that comes up the most on here: procrastination. To make a long story short, last Monday I realized that the coming two weeks for me looked a little something like this:

Thursday: Comparative Studies response paper due.
Friday: Geography Quiz.
Monday: International Studies Midterm.
Tuesday: Anthropology Final Paper cited sources due.
Thursday: Another Comparative Studies response paper due.
Thursday: Anthropology, 1-page paper due.
Friday: Geography, 5-page essay due.

Three guesses as to how much work I'd started on any of this by that point.

To make things even more fun, I'd been falling behind on the reading in International Studies for a week or so...and the readings were allegedly vital to passing the midterm. Ironically, the class is an introduction to peace studies.

So, yes, I've more or less been giving myself ulcers for the past week or so. As one can see I'm not out of the woods yet, but I finally had some breathing room, so I figured I'd take the time to mention a few things. Interestingly enough, both of these stem from the week-long panic I've been in, and both relate to each other:

1. Late-night studiers may rejoice, for Seafood Japan finally has Black Black again! Huzzah!
2. Did you know that if your body doesn't feel it's been getting enough sleep lately it can and will stage a temporary coup? It's true! I came back from classes today, laid down for a breather, and the next thing I knew it was like five hours later.

Next time on Skits So Frantic: Actual content? Stay tuned...


Blogger Lewis said...

Well, it is that time of the quarter when Reality rears its ugly head (what an odd phrase :-). I am facing a similar list of too-long-delayed tasks with pressing deadlines. May we all see our way through to spring break!

9:16 AM  

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