Friday, December 16, 2005

I'm Not Dead Yet

Posting Location: Family Home, Parma, OH.

...I've just been settling in. It took some creativity, but I finally found places for everything I brought back with me while I'm here. It's ironic; my room here is larger than the one in my apartment, but since it has it's own junk cluttering it up there's no longer really any room for the stuff I brought back with me. Even though obviously it all fit in here, somehow, before I moved into the apartment. Go figure.

In addition, it seems that forces are conspiring against my updating. By the time I sit down to blog at the end of the day, the wireless Internet connection in my house decides to take a nap for a few hours. If you are reading this now, then I have finally outsmarted my wireless connection. Hooray for me.

Of course, it's not like there's been much to write about lately, aside from having a game day with friends in Mansfield on Wednesday and obsessing over Runaways on Thursday. I mean, yes I found out the younger of my two sisters now has a boyfriend, and yes there's been some drama attached to that, but I think for now I'll follow the better part of discretion and not rant on all the details for the whole Internet to see. I'm sure she'll post it to her own blog if she wants (which I'd link to, but someone won't give me the web address, and it's apparently a friends-list-only blog anyway).

It occurs to me, however, that I've never ranted about my gaming group before now.

Actually, that's not entirely true. I interviewed two members of the group for my essay, here and here. Coincidentally, both of them are GM's for our little group, along with myself; James runs the longer-running of our three campaigns on Fridays, while me and Cueto-san alternate our campaigns on Saturdays.

At any rate, the final male member of our gaming group, Randy, had been in Europe for all of Autumn Quarter, mostly in France. He just got back this week, so we had a reunion of sorts down at Jame's home in Mansfield. Cueto-san was busy, neither of the girls were available, and Randy brought a friend of his we didn't know, so it was a little weird but fun all around. We played a lot of games while we were down there:

Fluxx: This is pretty much the card-game equivelant of Calvinball; the rules change virtually every turn. Games can last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour, depending on what the rules become. Very entertaining.

Apples to Apples: Another card game, this has players taking turns as judges and trying to convince each other that the noun they just pulled from their hand best fits the adjective on the table or one of it's three listed synonyms. To give an example: The adjective in one round was "Unscrupulous." The other two players put down predictable nouns describing organizations and persons they felt were unethical. Not having anything of that sort in my hand, I put down "Oxygen." My argument? "Oxygen is an inanimate element, and is both unethical and unscrupulous by the very fact that scruples and ethics do not apply to it." I won that round. The game's totally subjective even when you're trying not to be, and real fun all around.

The Uncanny X-Men: Alert! Adventure Game: An old board game, the less said about which the better. Alright, I'm probably being overly harsh on it because I completely and unquestionably lost. It's hard to describe how badly I didn't win without going into details on how the game is played, and that's way too much detail for a quick rant like this.

Super Smash Brothers
: Yes, the good-old Nintendo 64 game. I'm better at the Gamecube sequel, and it showed. Still, I had fun.

There was also a span of time where we were all helping Randy get through a portion of Silent Hill 2 that gave me a new appreciation for that franchise.

And once again, this post seems to have gone from being about several things to one thing. I'll follow up with what held my brain captive on Thursday in my next entry.


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