Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy Wintereenmas!

Posting Location: University Village.

Today marks the beginning of the week-long made-up holiday of Wintereenmas. Wintereenmas is a celebration of gaming and the gamers behind it. Due to scheduling constraints, I've chosen to celebrate through music. I currently have a playlist going of various game songs taken from over the past two years. Hopefully I'll get some actual gaming in later this week.

Happy Wintereenmas Everyone!


I Hate My Genitals

Posting Location: University Village.

At least, that's what I think Freud's trying to tell me in this book I'm reading.

I mean, seriously. The first chapter is a discussion on the "psychological origins" of religion, and the man can't go five pages without tying it in somehow with an infant's innate desire for "his mother's breast."

I'm not even going to go into what he has to say about the development of civilization. Let's just say that, according to him, it involves fire, urine, a latent universal male homosexuality, and female penis envy.

This guy was a psychologist?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wake-Up Call

Posting Location: Somewhere on North Campus.

this is an audio post - click to play

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Link of the Week: Harry Potter Parody

Posting Location: University Village.

I've decided to start doing a "link of the week" over on the side under Happy Pumpkin. To start with, I went with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The Film of the Book in Ten Minutes Or Less. Apparently this was someone's podcast originally.

More to come later!

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Sunday, January 15, 2006


Posting Location: University Village.

Okay. LOT to cover, so despite my better judgement I'll just pull a megapost to make sure I get it all in.

Post-Holiday Plugs

I received some very good gifts this year. Among them:

*GURPS OGRE, GURPS Religion, and GURPS Y2K --- Sourcebooks for Steve Jackson Games' fine GURPS line, my RPG system of choice. These came as no suprise, since I knew I was receiving them back in August. That was when I bought a ton of sourcebooks due to a sale going on at a local store, and my mother bought three of them off me to give me as X-mas gifts this year. Yeah, I know, but my collection was large enough that it's hard for my family to remember what I already have, so this way at least they knew I'd like it.

*The New Dinosaurs: An Alternative Evolution by Dougal Dixon --- This book completes my trio of books by this author that look at possible far-future/alternate ecosystems, the other two being After Man and Man After Man (technically, if you count The Future Is Wild!, I have four). Honestly, this one's probably my favorite out of the three; what can I say, I'm a sucker for color. My honest opinion, there aren't enough works out there in this genre.

*The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks --- The book everyone should have, just in case (and in fact, many people I know do have it already; I seem to be the last in my circle of friends down here to get it). Complements my How To Survive A Robot Uprising quite nicely.

*The Handy Religion Answer Book by Visible Ink Press --- Joint gift from my sisters, who also got me some incense and a burner to go with it. The book should help in my search for enlightenment; the incense will probably be better appreciated when I'm living somewhere that doesn't have rules against it's use (d'oh!).

*Digital Sci-Fi Art by Michael Burns --- Actually, another gift with better intentions than results; in searching for a straight sci-fi artbook, they accidentally got one that was more of a "how to." Not a complete miss by any means, though; the art is still great, and....hey, looking at this thing again, I just realized it covers 2D art as well as 3D. In fact, it covers Adobe Photoshop specifically.

Well, shut my mouth. This book is actually going to be pretty and useful.

*How To Write Science Fiction & Fantasy by Orson Scott Card and Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy by the Editors of Analog and Asimov's Science Fiction --- Both gifts from my boyfriend Carlos. I've often complained that while I've got the world-building part of writing down pat, I can never just sit down and come up with an actual plot. He got me these to help remedy that, which I very much appreciated. But what really got me feeling all warm inside...

*...way back at the beginning of November, I ranted about the film Zeiram 2, within which I mentioned, in passing, that I had also seen Rollerball that week. It was one sentence, one link, and in the title tag for that link I mentioned, half-jokingly but half-genuinely, that I'd like to have the jersey worn by the main character in that film. The untold reasoning behind that was that as an obscure refference to an obscure sci-fi film, it was probably the only "sports"-related shirt I'd intentionally seek out. Yes, I'm that much of a geek; that's not the point.

The point is that Carlos searched for that very shirt online for a week before tracking down a store in Germany that actually sold it.

And bought it for me.

And hid it under the two previously-mentioned books in the gift box.

Words cannot really describe how that made me feel.

*Alien Planet DVD --- Another Discovery Channel special that I had missed the first time around. Based off the book Expedition by Wayne D. Barlowe, which I guess you could count as the "fifth" alternate ecosystem book I own. Thoroughly enjoyed it, despite odd changes in some creatures' biology, and a change in the overall "plot" to make the actual expedition better grounded in realism (Alien Planet has a ship carrying robot probes going at relativistic speeds, while Expedition had a manned mission that was a joint venture with a different group of sentient aliens). I also thought they could've credited Barlowe a little more thoroughly in the program itself, but whatever.

*Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DVD --- Not much to say, except that this one was all but an inevitability.

*The Simpsons - The Complete Sixth Season Collector's Edition DVD set --- This one came as a suprise from my one roommate. Fortunately, she and I appear to share the same opinion of when the "good" seasons of The Simpsons aired. And, saints be praised, Sideshow Bob has an episode in this season!

Resolutions This Year

*Focus on academics more. I want to see if I can't turn that "three A's and a C" to "four A's" this quarter, at least.
*Don't let myself take my relationship with Carlos for granted. I had fears such was happening last year at several points.
*Conserve money better this year. Self-explanatory.
*Read through the Holy Bible all the way at least once by year's end. If only to be able to say I've done it.
*Up the insanity when I do role-playing. Both in how much I get into my character(s), and how much I get into GMing.
*Make blog more than the sum of how my week has been. And more what the description has it as.
*Update to blog more often, and more regularly. Actually, on that note...
*Make sure I actually post my blog updates *coughthisonecough* instead of just "saving as draft." Whoops ^-^;

Well, This Is New

This past Thursday night, I was up at 2:00 AM and just about to head to sleep when my boyfriend IMed me. We had a bit of idle conversation, in which he seemed a little down. Right out of the blue, he asked me what my reaction would be if he asked me to go over to where he lives off South Campus, right then and there. This, and a bit more conversation, ended with me getting dressed again and heading out to spend the night with him. Right out of the blue. Keep in mind, I live off of North Campus, and by a far larger margin.

Honestly, I'm not sure what my thoughts on this are. He said it meant a lot to him. It meant something to me as well, I'm just not sure what. One thing's certain, though; some form of precedent has just been set.

And For Good Or For Ill...

...Seafood Japan may no longer be carrying Black Black. I've bought some Green Gum, Cool Mint and Sumi-Yaki Coffee Candy to test for effectiveness in it's absence; after all, despite past problems that gum has also occasionally helped me out. Time will only tell whether or not I've lost a valuable ally (or deceptive foe).

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Title Added 'Ex Post Facto'

Posting Location: Behind Stillman Hall, OSU Campus.

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Shoot, I Haven't Posted To My Blog All Year!

Posting Location: University Village.

Yuk yuk yuk. So, frantic holiday season all around; obviously I didn't get to making another post before New Years, nor did I get a chance to give the blog a make-over like I was planning. Of course, I've decided to make that last one a New Years resolution, so at least now I have an excuse not to do it.

Unfortunately, I have no time to post much more than this at the moment, I have literally half a day's worth of reading to get done this weekend, on top of other obligations. Hopefully I'll have a more substantial post up by Monday, but for now, just showing I'm alive and still posting will have to do.